Kongress von Verona

Verona Novb November 20th 1822.

When the Ministers of the five Courts last assembled on the 1st instant, the object of their common sollicitude was to allay the irritation existing in Spain against France, and to prevent a possible rupture between the two Powers.

Although H. My’s His Majesty's Govt Government did not consider themselves sufficiently informed, either of what had already taken place between France and Spain, or of what might occasion a Rupture, to be able to answer in the affirmative the questions submitted to the Conference by H. Exy His Excellency the Minister of France , yet knowing the anxiety of the King my Master for the honor of H. M. C. M. His Most Christian Majesty ,2 and for the preservation of the peace of the world, I was willing to enter into the consideration of the measures proposed, with a view to attain our common object.

It was settled, that the notes to be prepared according to the proposition of H. H. His Highness the Austrian Minister, and to be presented to the Spanish Government on this occasion, should be communicated to me, in order that I might see whether, consistently with the view which the King had invariably taken of the Affairs of Spain, and with the principles which had governed H. M’s His Majesty's Conduct in relation to the internal concerns of other countries, H. M.s His Majesty's Government could take any part which might forward the common purpose of preserving the general tranquillity.

The Ministers of the Allied Courts have thought proper to make known to Spain the sentiments of their respective Sovereigns by dispatches addressed to the Ministers of their several Courts residing at Madrid, instead of by official notes, as a mode of communication less formal and affording greater facility of discussion.

These dispatches, it appears, are to be communicated in extenso to the Spanish Govt Government .

The origin, circumstances and consequences of the Spanish Revolution – the existing state of Affairs in Spain and the conduct of those who have been at the head of the Spanish Govt Government may have endangered the safety of other Countries and may have excited the uneasiness of the Governments whose Ministers I am now addressing; and these Govts Governments may think it necessary to address the Spanish Govt Government upon the topicks referred to in these dispatches.

These sentiments and opinions have certainly been entertained by the three Cabinets of Austria, Prussia und Russia for a considerable period of time, and the British Government duly appreciates the forbearance and deference for the opinions of other Cabinets, which has dictated the delay to make these communications to the present moment.

But having been delayed till now, I would request those Ministers to consider whether this is the exact moment, at which such remonstrances ought to be made; whether they are calculated to allay the irritation against France, and to prevent a possible rupture, and whether they might not with advantage be delayed to a later period.

They are certainly calculated to irritate the Government of Spain; to afford ground for a belief, that advantage has been taken of the irritation existing between that Govt Government and France to call down upon Spain the power of the Alliance, and thus to embarrass still more the difficult position of the French Government.

The Result of these communications will probably be, that the diplomatic relations between the three Allied Courts and Spain will be discontinued, whatever may be the state of the questions between France and Spain.

This occurrence cannot assist the cause of France. These questions will still stand upon their own ground, and the Govt Government of France must decide them upon their own merits.

But these communications are not only calculated to embarrass the French Govt Government , but likewise that of the King my Master.

His Majesty feels sincerely for the King and the people of Spain, and He is anxious to see a termination of the evils and misfortunes by which that Country is afflicted, and that it should be prosperous and happy. His Majesty likewise earnestly desires that the usual relations of amity and good neighbourhood may be reestablished between France and Spain, and his Govt Government would have been anxious to cooperate with those of His Allies in allaying the existing irritation, and in preventing a possible rupture.

But H. Mays His Majesty's Govt Government are of opinion that to animadvert upon the internal transactions of an independent state, unless such transactions affect the essential interests of His Majesty’s subjects, is inconsistent with those principles on which His Majesty has invariably acted on all questions relating to the internal concerns of other Countries; that such animadversions, if made, must involve H. M. His Majesty in serious responsibility if they should produce any effect, and must irritate, if they should not, and if addressed as proposed to the Spanish Govt Government , are likely to be injurious to the best interests of Spain and to produce the worst consequences upon the probable discussions between that Country and France.

The King’s Govt Government must therefore decline to advise His Majesty to hold a common language with His Allies upon this occasion, and it is so necessary for His Majty Majesty not to be supposed to participate in a measure of this description and calculated to produce such consequences, that His Govt Government must equally refrain from advising His Majty Majesty to direct that any communication should be made to the Spanish Govt Government on the subject of its relations with France.

His Majesty therefore must limit his exertions and good offices to the endeavours of His Minister at Madrid to allay the ferment, which these communications must occasion, and to do all the good in his power.